One of the responsibilities of a Christian woman after accepting Jesus Christ as Lord is to grow in the knowledge and understanding of who God is and what her role is in the church, at home, work and in society as a whole. The ladies meet every first Saturday of the month from 9 to 10:30 a.m. during the months of March to June and from September to December to enjoy a time of fellowship. Together, they share through praise songs, prayer, and the study of God’s Word. They are presently studying the truths of Christian living through the Emmaus Correspondence Course The Woman Who Pleases God. Some of the highlights of the meetings are guest speakers from other assemblies, the Apples of Gold ministry, Missionary Conferences, and the annual Christmas Breakfast. All ladies are welcome to attend.
That they teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children. Titus 2:4