Grace Gospel Chapel is the home of a fellowship of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. We have no denominational affiliation but are a self-governing and self-supporting group.
Our fellowship includes all true believers, those who have received the Lord Jesus Christ by faith as Lord and Savior, and whom God has constituted to be collectively the church. To this church, which is also His body, all believers are joined by the baptizing work of the Holy Spirit at conversion (1 Corinthians 12:12-13). Knowing that the members of His Body can be found all over the world, we gather locally as an assembly in His name to offer Him our worship and service.
If you have any questions relative to your fellowship with us, please e-mail us and we would be more than happy answer you. We invite you to browse our site to familiarize yourself with our ministries. May the Lord Jesus richly bless you.